I’m from Rockhampton – but don’t hold that against me! I moved to Townsville to study law and business at James Cook Uni back in 2002 and have been here ever since.
I have worked as a lawyer for many years, particularly in Family Law. I believe my experience and the fact that I am a parent, gives me great insight into the many issues and emotions that exist when a relationship ends. It can be a tough time. As a family lawyer, I am here to guide people through the laws that apply, take some of the stress away, and to reach outcomes that are beneficial moving forward. My clients can trust me to navigate them through to a better future.
I love working at OSheaDyer solicitors. We are an incredible team. We look after each other, value people, and strive to obtain the very best legal outcomes for all of our clients.
If you need family law representation or advice, come and see us. We offer a first appointment to new family law clients, for a low fixed fee of $330. In this appointment, you get tailored advice from an experienced family lawyer.