Accident or Public Liability (PIPA) Claims
Your First Appointment to Discuss your Claim is Free. To make an appointment to speak with an Experienced Lawyer, Call us or contact us via email
We are NO WIN NO FEE Lawyers and we don't charge Uplift fees.
If you are injured in a public or private place that is 'in the public domain' you may have a compensation claim.
These types of claims are often referred to as slip, trip or fall injuries and commonly occur in parks, shopping centers and amusement venues, cafes and hotels.
Individuals, businesses and organisations (like a local council) have a duty of care to ensure the safety of people who visit their premises. Places should be hazard free with safety measures in place to prevent risk.
Types of public liability claims may include:
- injuries in parks, pavements, leisure centers or other public places. These could include back and neck injuries from a slip trip or fall.
- injuries in rental premises from things like a wobbly balcony.
- injury in a private building like a shopping center, nightclub or bar.
- injuries caused by animals, for example, a dog attack.
- amusement venue injuries.
- recreational and sporting injuries like a diving or boating accident.
- food poisoning.
- physical assaults.
- schoolyard injuries.
- sexual assaults.
- aviation injuries.
- health and fitness injuries.
- public transport injuries on buses and trains.
Public liability claims are referred to as PIPA claims because the legislation that covers the regulation of the claims process is the Personal Injury Proceedings Act Qld.